Where it all began……

Have you ever wanted something so bad, but it just didn’t happen? This is where I was at, 3 years into our marriage. We were coming up to the last month of our “deadline”, where we would no longer try to have children. Instead my husband said we would fill that void with boats and 4-wheelers, and things of that nature. We had been trying to conceive a child for the past two years just to have negative pregnancy tests, or having “the time of the month” arrive. It was AWFUL. Torture. To the point where I was having a hard time hearing of anyone pregnant.

My husband didn’t want to use any sort of medical intervention, so clomid, in-vitro and anything else was not going to happen. He said if it wasn’t “natural” we weren’t doing it. I didn’t know there was anything else natural besides…. you know 😉 ….

Thankfully, someone told me about a guy that helped people with all sorts of things and I decided to give his office a call….

Having not grown up taking anything, over the counter or not, I was skeptical to say the least. I didn’t know of this whole other world of “natural health”. I think I took Flinstone vitamins once or twice when I was a child, and found out I was allergic to ibuprofen in high school after taking it once.

Anyway, I called the store where this guy was, and they sent me a liquid herb. The nastiest thing I had ever tasted, this herbal blend. I took it every night, holding my nose, putting in any type of liquid I could handle, taking it straight, and then finally, after 3 months, I gave up. I couldn’t do it any longer, it made me gag. I was sad, but figured if it wasn’t working then I didn’t want to do it anymore. (Side note: your red blood cells replace themselves about every 90 days – and is the perfect amount of time to determine if something is working for you or not! )

The next month, i got my period. 🙁 BUT, it was a 5 week month. It just so happened to be the last month of the two years we gave ourselves to conceive. I felt really off, and thought this was going to be a rough week. But Aunt Flo didn’t come. I finally decided to buy a pregnancy test, reluctantly. I wasn’t sure if I was prepared for another negative.

Sunday morning, I get up before church and take the test. I am sitting on the toilet (TMI) anticipating the results. POSITIVE. I start yelling (talking loudly for the selective listener) to my husband. He drowsily gets up and I shriek to him the unbelievable news. His response was to mention that our dogs needed let out. Didn’t see him for another 20 minutes, HA!

The rest of the story….

As you probably saw or read in the about section, we have three beautiful children. I am a firm believer that I wouldn’t be a mother if it weren’t for natural health, and all of the plants, herbs and wonderful things God put on this earth for us to use. If this is a dream of yours, don’t give up! Children are a promise, and one of the most precious things I have been able to enjoy. If you are not getting the results you want in your pregnancy journey, please reach out.

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