Passive Aerobic Exercise of the Chi Machine

If you have problems with:
  • lack of exercise 
  • poor circulation
  • tired and sore muscles
  • poor digestion or constipation
  • back pain or lower back pain
  • bone spurs
  • nervousness


  • general aches and pains
  • insomnia
  • poor functioning internal organs
  • asthma and tracheal inflammation
  • period pains or anemia
  • being overweight
  • chronic health conditions
  • chronic inflammation, toxicity and stress…

The Vitality Swing may be for you!

The Vitality Swing has many health benefits including healthy back support and spinal relaxation. This machine simulates a fish swimming by gently rocking the body side to side in a gentle repetitive motion. 

The pleasant motion stimulates lymphatic detoxification (as documented in Australian clinical trials), increases oxygen to the cells, mental focus, improved circulation, increase of energy, improved digestion, temporary pain relief in muscles, promotes weight loss, better sleep, and relaxation. 

This will stimulate personal chi – your life force energy – and can be described as a wave of energy from head to toe when the machine stops. 

How does it work? 

Once your ankles are in the rests and timer is set, the rests will begin to move back and forth carrying your feet from side to side. This movement will travel up through the legs and torso, then to the upper body and head, creating a fluid motion like that of a goldfish swimming in water. 

This particular motion, side to side, promotes stimulation and and balance of the autonomic nervous system; resulting in the body and mind to become relaxed, de-stressed and loosened up. As your body sways, your goal is to relax fully as much as possible. 

Once the machine stops, it is important to lay still for 3 minutes. In this time frame is when the movement of the chi energy is felt surging the body. 40% of the therapeutic effect happens when the machine is moving, and the other 60% when it stops. 

Complete the experience with a full glass of water to aid the body in ridding metabolic waste through urine and feces. 


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